If you are a new patient to our office, below contains our new patient forms that will need to be filled out before you arrive at our office. Filling them out will allow us to attend to your medical needs more quickly than completing them on your arrival. Thank you and please call our office if you have any questions at all.
Our patients are seen by appointment and every effort is made to see patients on time. An occasional emergency may cause a delay in our schedule. Should that situation arise, our receptionist will keep you informed. If you are unable to keep your appointment, please notify us at least 24 hours in advance so that the appointment time may be made available for another patient.
Office Hours
Patients are seen Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. For your convenience, our front desk coordinator will be available during these hours and on Thursday from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm. Fridays are in-office lab, maintenance, and continuing education days, therefore we do not see patients on Fridays.
Telephone Calls
Good communication is essential for excellent dental health. Our office staff has been specially trained to answer most of your questions. Should you need to speak with the Doctor, please leave a number where you may be reached and he will return your call as soon as possible. If your problem is urgent, appropriate action will be taken.
Treatment fees vary depending upon the severity of the problem and the length of treatment time. Dental fees will be discussed on an individual basis before treatment begins.
Payment is due at the time service is rendered. We will accept the approved insurance payment percentage and will calculate the estimated patient percentage to be paid at the time services are provided. In addition to cash and check payments, we accept payments by most major credit cards and Care Credit, our financing program.

Insurance is a wonderful benefit; it's a way to defray some of the cost of dental treatment. However, it is not a diagnosis and does not determine the services we give to our patients. Dental insurance also does not mandate the type of dental materials we utilize and recommend by our office. If you have insurance we will help determine your available coverage. We ask that you assign your insurance benefit to us, and as a courtesy we will file for payment. For your particular insurance please check with our office. Please remember that no insurance company attempts to cover all dental costs. Some companies pay fixed allowances and others pay a percentage of the charge. The insurance company is responsible to the patient and the patient is responsible to the doctor. It is your responsibility to pay any deductible amount, co-insurance, or any other balance not paid for by your coverage. We are happy to assist you in understanding your dental insurance benefits or claims questions. Do not hesitate to ask our front desk coordinator.
Thank you for taking time to learn about our practice. If you have any questions about our policies or your personal care, please feel free to call us. Our aim is to provide the very best and highest quality dental care in a comfortable and relaxed environment.
Our office is located in the picturesque mid-coast town of Camden that's big on sailing, sightseeing and yachting.
Robert E. Day, DDS, FAGD
44 Mechanic Street
Camden, ME 04843
Phone: (207) 236-8891
Dr. Hours:
Monday - Wednesday 8am - 4pm
Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday 8am - 4pm
Patients seen by Appointment only